Train Miracle

Sit down. There’s a shock on the way. Well, today all told there may be a couple of shocks on the way – but for now, this one’s a biggie.

After all my many rants about train travel, of which there are too many to link to, (although this link does a fairly good job, I have to say) Friday’s journey from Wokingham to Norwich went – I warned you, sit down – bloody well. No delays, no hassles. Busy trains, yes, but I got a seat, and there were no irritations. Yeah, you heard that right – no irritations. I had problems believing it myself.

If pushed, I would point out that the London Underground is still a nightmare, and on Friday it was hotter than a sweaty desert-dweller’s jockstrap (and, on one memorable section, smelled like it) but that’s summer in London for you. And if I ever say “I’m going to be working in London for the summer”, slap me.

But yes, the journey itself was fine. Oh, and a quick thanks to the very nice man on the London-Norwich train, who I discussed laptops with, and who then donated his last can of beer to me when he got off the train. You, sir, are a bloody star.

See – told you you should be sitting down!

One Comment on “Train Miracle”

  1. I was in Norfolk over the weekend. I drove. I spent longer driving than actually at the party I was at. I don’t think I’ll be doing it again.

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