
Oh bumnuggets. Why is it that whenever I think “Oooh, must see when that is”, it turns out to be on a weekend when I’ve got something booked already?

In this case, it’s the London Open House weekend, which I’d really wanted to go to, having missed the first two. Only it’s the same weekend as I’m supposed to be up in Newcastle seeing a friend on the Great North Run.


4 Comments on “Tosspot”

  1. andy says:

    How do you fit so much into ur life Lyle, I get knackered just reading this.

  2. Lori says:

    Slight tangent… wanna come back to my place and take a look at my meme?

  3. MrTeacher says:

    I return to London every year for Open House Weekend. I love it.

  4. love the word bumnuggets says:

    im an australian and the word bumnuggets is a realy good word and if tought it to a 7 year old he would of just lert it at school my mum tiught me the word and i terned out just fine except for the people i kill… on games that is lmao bye keep up the good work

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