Posted: Tue 21 June, 2005 | Author: Lyle | Filed under: General, Work-related |1 Comment »The new office is ace. 1700 square feet or so, divided by oooh, ten of us. Still a lot to sort out – another reason that start-up companies are so much fun. we’ve just had a delivery of two new servers and eight PCs, plus some other gubbins. The office is right in the town centre, and I’ve a window view. Happy is me. They’re even talking (although at the moment it is just talk) about getting a pool table for the middle of the office. How we’ll get it up the stairs is a point that hasn’t been discussed yet.
But ye gods, it’s flippin’ hot. We’ve got fans and air-con going all the time, mainly because about half the wall-space seems to be windows, which makes for a nice and light office, but definitely a warm one.
Even better, I’ve got a whole bundle of demo concept web-pages to be working on. Talk about hitting the ground running…
Yup ur problem is Solar Gain, solved by stopping the sun getting into the building on the external face of the thermal wall. Plus, ur two servers will no doubt give off enough heat to keep a floor or so of that building warm if utilised properly.