
Earlier this week, Pix wrote a post about the events that had happened in her life since she started writing/ blogging/ whatever we’re calling it this week. Anyway, it made me think back, and wonder what I was doing when I started d4d™ back in August ’02. And I couldn’t actually think where I’d been at the time.

I haven’t yet done the full count, but in that time I reckon I’ve worked for about ten different companies, as well as working for myself and having a whole bundle of different clients for websites etc. That’s kind of scary – particularly when I’ve got another new one coming up!

At some point I think I may come up with a list similar to Pix’s. That might make for a semi-interesting post while I’m away next week…

One Comment on “Reminiscence”

  1. Skytower says:

    Kirsty says she doesn’t feel so bad now at the amount of companies she’s worked for!

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