New Starts

Well, today’s not been too bad. No work at CrapCo, of course, which is always a bloody good start to the week. I’ve got some other stuff to be getting on with before starting up with the new company tomorrow – and oh, ye Gods, that means I’m going to have to come up with another company name. Poo.

I’m really looking forward to tomorrow, actually. There’s going to be a lot of the new “oh fuck, what’m I doing?” stuff, I suspect, but it’s so much more up my street than CrapCo ever was, and that can’t be anything but good.

In the meantime, I’ve got another couple of websites to do, so I’ll be keeping pretty busy. And then I’ve got to redesign a letterhead (again) and type up some charity committee minutes too. So yes, all told it’s not too bad today – although I’ve decided it’s too keffing warm for furkling round town, so I’m staying home. Pathetic or what?

3 Comments on “New Starts”

  1. MrTeacher says:

    Mate, warm is me. It’s never to hot for a stroll or cycle.

  2. anni says:

    Good luck for tomorrow.

  3. Gordon says:

    Any ideas for a company name? Sounds like an ideal excuse for a web poll!! 😉

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