Posted: Fri 17 June, 2005 | Author: Lyle | Filed under: Work-related |2 Comments »The final day at CrapCo. Oh, joy – at times I did think this day was never going to come.
But, come it has. Yee-ha, and Yabba-Dabba-Doo.
I’m a bit caught up with scut-work (AKA “Standard final-day stuff for a Twunty Manager™ with the personality and charm of a syphilitic scrotum) today, but I’m sure there’ll be more thoughts on this momentous occasion later on.
Nicked everything you want then? Placed any “gotchas” anywhere??? Planted watercress into his keyboard?? Oiled the runners of his desk drawers with bacon fat? (stinks to high heaven after a few weeks but is subtle enough to not be noticed unless he opens the drawers… hard to track down too).
No, I’ve been very good.
However, as his initials are TW, there may now be an email address of ‘tw@crapco.com” . Can’t think who might’ve set that up…
Oh, and anyone who tries accessing my PC once I’ve gone will need to enter the password “fuckwitcunt”. No idea what instigated that one.