Posted: Tue 7 June, 2005 Filed under: General Leave a comment »This post is my 2,700th post on d4d™, according to WordPress. That’s a pretty scary number.
I’ve not yet been writing d4d™ for three years – that anniversary comes at the start of August. By that time I guess I’ll be well over the 2,800 mark – at the moment I’m averaging about 3 posts per day, although that’s including the sparse times where I’d be away for weeks or weekends with access, and with no way to forward post. But now I’ve got those abilities, and I’d reckon I probably average about 4 or 5 posts per day for the most part. That’s a lot of words.
I can’t be arsed to figure out how many words I’ve typed. I could do – and I might do it as a mini-project for when I get to the start of Year Four. We’ll see. It’s in the ideas list, anyway.