Posted: Tue 24 May, 2005 Filed under: Health, Travel 3 Comments »It’s pissing it down this morning, so I opted out of fitness and went instead for a lift in to the station. Which is all well and good, except that – like a twunt – I forgot that at the other end I’ve still got to get to the office.
So while it’s nice to be semi-dry when I get to the station, and while I don’t get soaked by road-rain stuff on the way in, I do spend longer in the rain.
I once heard of this strange contraption that might help you with this in the future. It was made of metal, plastic and was a bit like a bicycle wheel but with a sheet of waterproof fabric stretched across it, and a long piece you could hold on it.. It was very clever, it even folded up.
Wish I could remember it’s name…
Indeed, they have their uses. Although not when the wind is blowing the rain horizontally, and ergo it comes in under the cover of the umbrella.
Besides, they’re just a pain in the arse. Or can be if I’m using one to get people out of the way.
I have quite an advantage due to the fact that I live 2km from work. I cycle there in all kinds of weather.