Office Move – still ongoing
Posted: Tue 10 May, 2005 | Author: Lyle | Filed under: Geeky, Work-related |Leave a comment »Well, Twunty Manager™ made such a cunt-up of the office move that IT-wise it’s still happening.
Last week we ordered two completely new servers to replace the Exchange (non-geeky: email) server, and a new server to hold all the other services that were also running on the old Exchange server, and are thus fucked in parallel with the email problems. Small items such as Active Directory, DNS, DHCP, and a couple of other odds and sods. (geeky readers are now shaking their heads and going “oh, shit”)
This week I’m installing everything on the new servers. Windows 2003 server, and all the gubbins. Exchange, AD, whole bundles of stuff. Then over the weekend when I’m not here, three others (including Twunty Manager™, so I’m not overly optimistic) will be sorting out moving the users onto a new network domain, moving over the remaining/surviving servers onto the same new domain, and then moving it all about so that we can do some maintenance gubbins too. Like moving the development server onto a bigger (and safer) environment.
In short – I’m not going to be writing much here today.