Memetastic revisited

I did this meme back in January but now BSAG has passed it back again. And well, four months on, I’m sure plenty of stuff has changed on it, so here goes…

Total volume of music files on my computer?
OK, this is worrying. I now have just under 40Gb of music on the drive I specifically bought for the holding of MP3s. I know, that’s sad. Live with it. There’s also 10Gb on the laptop. Note to self: Get out more.

The last CD I bought was?
Two CDs at once – Faithless’ “Forever Faithless” and Morcheeba’s new album “The Antidote.

Five songs I listen to a lot/mean a lot to me?

  1. Nine Inch Nails – Something I Can Never Have. Always reminds me of some odds and sods that were going on a long time ago.
  2. Alabama 3 – Peace in the Valley. A kind of closure for the things that I’m reminded of by Something I Can Never Have.
  3. Cowboy Junkies – Trinity Sessions album. Bit of a cheat, but the entire album is filled with memories and thoughts.
  4. Faithless – Reverence album. Their first album, and they still haven’t managed to beat it, so far as I’m concerned.
  5. Erasure – Piano Song. Lots of reasons, but mainly just because a) it’s fantastic, and b) “Never get angry at the stupid people” – my anthem for work at the moment.

I’m passing on the baton to…
Tough one, this. Mike at Troubled Diva, David at Chromasia, Anni at Anni Pink, and Lori. Will that do?

2 Comments on “Memetastic revisited”

  1. jane says:

    That NIN song gets me every time too.

  2. bsag says:

    Nice choices! I must get some Nine Inch Nails – I like a lot of their stuff.

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