Little Fuckers
Posted: Mon 30 May, 2005 Filed under: General Leave a comment »We woke up this morning to find that the car was minus its rear windscreen. Not broken, not smashed, just gone. From the looks of it, some little fucker had cut round the window seals, and just taken out the entire piece of glass. Nothing else stolen, no damage to the car, just the rear windscreen gone. No idea exactly when, because we didn’t hear a thing.
Of course, the Hound, who barks at random bits of silence and noise on occasion made absolutely sod-all sound last night. As a guard-dog, she’s fucking useless.
So anyway, out comes Yellow Pages, followed (about thirty minutes later) by a man from AutoGlass. On a job to a different car. But he has a quick check on ours too, as he’ll be back later to sort it.
Oh, there’s no seals on the window. I’m not sure we’ll be able to do that today.
Well, we explained that when we spoke to the 0800 number, and they said it’d be fine.
Oh, I’m not sure I’ve got the seal. You’d best check with them…
So we get back on to the 0800 number, and after a while it turns out it’ll be OK, they’ll get the guy to pick up the seals at the same time.
Another hourish later, Mr Autoglass comes back – with seals and window, no worries.
“We’ll just tap this in, it’ll be a dead quick job.”
*tap, tap, tap*
The entire thing had shattered, and Mr Autoglass had put his hand through it. Ooops. Luckily he’s not hurt – a small cut, nowt else – but there’s now glass every-fucking-where, and he’s got to go to Slough to get a new rear windscreen.
It’s going to be one of those days…