Posted: Tue 31 May, 2005 | Author: Lyle | Filed under: Work-related |3 Comments »Back to work today. On Thursday I did a lot of work on redesigning a site according to the client company’s provided template, which – for the first time in five months – was a workday I enjoyed.
Today, Twunty Manager™ gave me his thoughts. *sigh*
TM™: No, I don’t care about what they gave us as a template. The site must look exactly as it was. The only difference is to be in the colours.
Lyle : But they’ve given us a template that reflects their complete corporate site layout and colour-scheme
TM™: But that’s not what they want. Our piece of the site has different functionality, and must stay laid out like it was. Exactly.
Lyle : So we’re ignoring what the client wants, because we know better?
TM™: No, we’re doing what they want, but we’re not changing our application to suit it.
The conversation went on for a lot longer, but that’s the basic gist of it. The man’s a fuckwit cunt, and I wonder now how long it’s going to be before I tell him that…
That’s a lovely attitude he’s got there as well. Clients, pah, I know better than them!!
No wonder people are leaving. With that level of customer service, I’d be tempted to use words like “rats” and “sinking ship”.
It’s sad, but I see that a lot.
Still, at some point clients will start getting narked with companies who provide third party content for websites not implementing reasonable requests for it to be laid out to their requirements, and business will be lost to those who will lay it out as requested.