Upgrading Cameras
Posted: Mon 4 April, 2005 Filed under: Photography, Thoughts 6 Comments »As I wrote a while back, I’m thinking of upgrading cameras at some point soon, and going for a digital SLR (DSLR), most likely either a Canon EOS 20 D or a Fuji S3 Pro.
However, weekends like the one I’ve just had leave me with a dilemma.
When I can churn out images with a quality like those posted yesterday, and do so on a regular basis, with my £400 Fuji S5000, then can I justify spending upwards of £1,000 on a new camera, plus lenses etc.?
I know that a DSLR will give me more creative control, and both the prime candidates have a higher resolution than the camera I’m working with, but well, can I justify the cost?
When it comes to shiny new toys, then I’m sure you can justify the cost. If you really want to, that is.
For information purposes, I can share my own justification process, which runs along the lines of: given that the creative processes of photography are under the control of the photographer, and the camera is a tool to facilitate this, if I have reached the limits of my camera then a more sophisticated camera would allow me to create images that I otherwise wouldn’t be able to. Also the camera itself can play an important part in inspiring me, which is a crucial component of my photography.
You’ve produced some fantastic images, and using a different camera wouldn’t necessarily improve them. It could, of course, make them not as good. I’m also not sure that viewing a DSLR as a total replacement for your current camera is useful or logical. Different cameras have different uses for me. For instance, the requirement to hold the viewfinder of an SLR to your eye rather than use the LCD screen on the back of the camera, actually removes creative potential for a DSLR in some circumstances for me. So in my opinion, for what it’s worth, the more cameras you have at your disposal the merrier.
If you have that much money to waste Lyle, lend me someya tight git :p
Funny, that’s exactly the same question I’ve been asking myself. And I’m only thinking of upgrading from my rather outdated Canon Ixus 330 to, er, well, probably not a digital SLR.
Well I have a Canon 20D, and it’s a very nice camera. However, if I’d known the 350D was coming out I think I owuld have got that. It starts up instantly, great resolution, lightning fast autofocus, great buffer for taking lots of photos quickly, and it has a metal body so should be abit more robust. It is also quite compact compared to the 20D and my older EOS 5 (film), so would be great for carying around all the time – especially if you try one of the new EF-S lenses.
The 20D weighs a tonne – especially with the lens I got (although it is a lovely lens). Several of my friends have the (older) 300D, and that was a great camera, so I reckon you would do well with the 350D. And it’s an excellent price! Hehhe, I need a job in the Canon marketing department…
Oops – I tell a lie. The 350D hasn’t got a metal body. Still, on paper it looks great 🙂