Office Move – Part 2
Posted: Fri 15 April, 2005 | Author: Lyle | Filed under: Work-related |5 Comments »Utter, utter farce. The start of the move is this afternoon, and all over the weekend. The office furniture and so on is there, but the company sorting out the router and networking have fucked up the router, so the one that’s in there needs to come out, and a new one go in.
The new one is still being sourced. They might be able to get it in over the weekend. But they might not.
<geeky>Also, Twunty Manager thinks that we need two DHCP servers (or, in his terminology DCPH servers) – and can’t understand why this would cause a problem. *sigh*</geeky>
I think you should bow to TM’s superior knowledge, make sure everyone is aware whose idea it was, and install two of the blighters – hell why not suggest three? Ten?
Go on, you know you want to…
My very previous boss refered to our ISDN line as an IDSN line, then when we got ADSL he called that ASDL.
The company went bust. I’m sure the two aren’t related.
Our DHCP range is split across 3 servers on our largest lan segment. It provides some level of redundancy as more than 1000 computers could be affected should a single server die.
Maybe he thinks you need two so that they can each get an IP address off each other. Ahh, how swweet 😉
Hope the move isn’t as bad as you expect!
Office Move
Office moves can be brutal….