Twunting about

You know, sometimes my bank just makes me despair. WAY back at the start of the year, their online banking system started coming up with a little news item about how they’d be opening the system to more browsers (this being the system that, until recently, still recommended you use IE 5 or Netscape 4.7, as it was a browser that’d been tested, and wouldn’t run on the more up to date, more secure Netscape 6/7 or IE 6) and making it all more accessible.

The dateline on that was February 28th of this year.

The news item is still there, only now it says :

Digital Banking

We’ll be making some improvements to our Digital Banking service in the near future. The service will be easier to use and more accessible for customers with disabilities

More information on these changes will be available soon.

So – a month late, and still waiting. Useless tossers.

4 Comments on “Twunting about”

  1. pixeldiva says:

    At least they’re doing something…

  2. Kizi says:

    Move to smile!
    Ethical, no nonsense banking.

  3. Andy says:

    The delay could possibly be caused because they got caught up in the red tape induced DDA and are now having to completely redesign a whole websight because it’s not wheelchair accessible :p

  4. Andy says:

    spot the typo above, it’s good, even by my standards.

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