Posted: Wed 2 March, 2005 | Author: Lyle | Filed under: General, Work-related |1 Comment »I don’t know why it is (well, I do, but for now we’ll labour under the illusion that I don’t) but I get really annoyed sometimes with work, and with other people at work. So much so that I’m even considering (another) new category, as it’s just occurred to me that I don’t have one specifically for work-based irritation. And I really should. So I’ll sort that out next.
Anyway. Two-and-a-bit weeks ago we got this super-super-urgent and important piece of work to do, with a fixed deadline date because it was when the clients were coming in to the office for a visit, and to sign off this piece of work, and spend a fair amount more money. That day is tomorrow. And the work got done. Minimal information, minimal everything really, but it got done, and we were told that the operations side would be testing it so we could fix any problems.
That report came in yesterday. The fuckers in Ops hadn’t even looked at it ’til yesterday. Not because they were snowed under, but because “they just didn’t get round to it”. So it’s been mad panic yesterday and today, because the turd-polishing frignuggets couldn’t be arsed. And why should they? It’s not them who’ll get their arses kicked if the stuff isn’t right. Although it should be, as they’re the ones who can’t be keffed to check it.
But instead we get all the hassle, because they couldn’t be arsed. It’s bollocks, and that opinion has perhaps been made rather clearer than it should’ve been. Ah well.
Yes, the honeymoon period with this job is definitely over. The rest of the union may not last much longer. We’ll see.
turd polishing, hmmmmmm we usea slightly different turn of phrase to describe work that is immaculately presented but essentially shite in content, that be ‘polished turds’.