Thought for the Weekend

Now here’s a nice concept for your minds to work on over the Easter weekend.

Why DO some men seem to have an obsession with a) not flushing away their shits, and b) blocking toilets with shedloads of bog-roll ?

And why can’t they find some form of middle-ground, where they flush the shits away without blocking the fucking crappers?

Dirty stinking rancid fuckburger CUNTS. I’m glad we’re moving offices soon – with luck we’ll be leaving behind the shitting twats. But I’d like to find out who it is before we leave, so I can hold their faces down in their own waterlogged shite.

3 Comments on “Thought for the Weekend”

  1. Andy says:

    Ooooooooh Lyle, flushing peoples heads down the loo is classed as bullying, deserved or otherwise, I approve whole heartedly.

  2. Bet you feel better for getting that off your chest!

  3. anni says:

    Nice day at the office dear?

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