Sky’s the Limit
Posted: Wed 23 March, 2005 Filed under: Customer Services, Thoughts 6 Comments »Ah, it’s obviously customer services day today
As most readers know, back at the end of December, I moved down to Berkshire, and went through all the fun of telling everyone. And yes, that included Sky. I wanted to do three things when I called them :
- Change my address details
- Change my package to the lowest/cheapest one
- Inform them I’d be closing my account once the 12 months was up (March ’05)
Not rocket science, is it?
So I called, and lo – all done. “No Problem”, said the lady on the phone.
Change my address detailsChange my package to the lowest/cheapest oneInform them I’d be closing my account once the 12 months was up (March ’05)
I cancelled the direct debit this month – hey, they’ve had three bloody month’s notice – and got a snotty letter (to my old address) on Monday saying “you’ve cancelled. Pay us now.” And so I ring up Sky, and that’s where it all goes to shit.
Oh no, you can’t have given us three months notice. We only work with a months notice. So you can’t have given three. We’ll put you through to cancellations, but it’ll be one month from today.
Eh? I’m going to get charged a month extra, through Sky’s mistake?
Well, we can only work on a month’s notice, so yes, the notice will run from today.
But I gave you three month’s notice
But our system doesn’t say that. So it can’t have happened. Your notice will start from today
- Change my address details
Change my package to the lowest/cheapest one- Inform them I’d be closing my account once the 12 months was up (March ’05)
I go through to cancellations.
Ok, sir, I’ll sort out your cancellation, and as you’re not using your card at the moment, I’ll set the account on the lowest setting.
… *the sound of incredulity, and expletives being deleted pre-interface-with-gob*
- Change my address details
- Change my package to the lowest/cheapest one
- Inform them I’d be closing my account once the 12 months was up (March ’05)
Let’s see how the fuckers do with the process now.
This the day after I get it installed. Hmmmm…
That reminds me, I must phone them. Got a snotty letter telling me that I’d disconnected one of our (two) boxes from the phone line. I’d done no such thing, customer services were very helpful, sent a test down the line, and said they’d phone back in an hour to check again.
That was last week.
Being a student and having a limited financial income means I don’t have issues with things like this, who’s better off in reality? * laughs
Not allowed to disconnect it from the phone line? Well they’re going to be sending me snotty letters next week when I have to disconnect it all while having the lounge redecorated then.
Sky are masters of incompetence. Not to mention cheek – the best example of which was my colleague spending 20 minutes explaining to the clearly hard-of-thinking numpty on the other end of the phone that as their service had inexplicably died for half the film she’d ordered she had no intention of paying for it.
Once she’d restated it multiple times in as many different combinations of word as possibly, they finally agreed that yes, there had been a notified fault on the account so they would waive the fee for the film out of ‘goodwill’.
And then they tried to get her to upgrage to having a second Sky box. I think she shook the windows with the strength of the expression of her incredulity…
The phone line connection hasn’t worked on ours for about 3 years. Every once in a while we’d ring up to order a Box Office film until the day we were told that there would be an additional charge of £1 on top of the £3.50 or whatever it is for them to do this. The word fuck was thrown around with gay abandon and they were told where to stick their films. Oh how I wish all rugby was on terrestial tv and that ‘im indoors wasn’s so addicted to documentaries.