
via Gordon, I saw about Britblog, which supposedly lists who’s popular on a daily basis. We’ll see on that score, but I did think “Ah, what the hell, might as well sign up and give it a thrash”. So I did.

Only, when it comes to blog names, apparently d4d™ is (according to their data validation) too short. Bizarre, but true. So I’ve amended it to be “d4d™ Dummies for Destruction”, which seemed to appease it somewhat.

As for the rest, well, we’ll just see how it goes.

One Comment on “Self-Publicising”

  1. Gordon says:

    The “hit list” chart thingy is new, but as it works by counting the same thing across all blogs (the link back to the britblog site) it should be more reliable than the “stats” thing recently seen.

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