
Well, I did get quite a lot of photos over the weekend – some of which I’m really pleased with. A trip to Windsor to see the castle (the joys of friends with children) got some really good bits, and lots of portrait-type stuff which has worked out really well, although a lot of it won’t be publicised here due to certain issues with photos of kids, and the internet. Joy.

What I do find though – and I’m sure I’m not the only one who does this – is that I take a lot of photos in “portrait” orientation, instead of landscape. It’s not something I think about a lot while taking photos, it’s just a natural camera positioning, but when it comes to Photoshop afterward, I probably have to re-orient about 2/3s of the shots, which can be a pain in the arse.

Of course, once a digital SLR is in my possession then it becomes less of an issue, as both of the main ones I’m considering come with the ability to automagically reorient themselves so that picture rotation becomes a thing of the past. But for now I’m stuck with using a Rotate function somewhere along the line. No big thing really, just an extra thing to do/ remember.

So – which format do you prefer for photos? And why?

6 Comments on “Photography”

  1. Andy says:

    I prefer the old landscape, even stretching to APS panoramic, sommat special about
    them photos (not as in window licking). I love stitching photos together to make a
    mega panoramic and all the faults of perspective that brings.

  2. pixeldiva says:

    Depends on the subject.

    Just out of curiosity, which DSLR’s are you referring to?

  3. razorhead says:

    I fine that I pretty much always end up taking landscape, especially for portraits when the stuff – or lack of stuff – in the background can make the image.

  4. Gordon says:

    Landscape here. Not sure why.

  5. Vaughan says:

    I thought I was more often a landscape photographer (as in landscape orientation, not taking photos of landscape – oh, never mind) until I checked through my fairly meagre photographic history and discovered otherwise. But then I insist on taking photos at wacky angles, so what do I know?

    Which camera are you thinking of getting? I’m interested to know, as I’m in the market for a new camera, now that I’m trying to do rather more complicated things than just pointing, closing my eyes, shooting and hoping for the best.

  6. pixeldiva says:

    Wacky angles rock.

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