
You know, it probably says quite a lot about a person when they’re out in the countryside for a day (well, en route elsewhere, but you know how it goes) and they look at places and think “I wonder if they’ve got a website?

Probably even worse is when that person sees an empty boarded-up property (in this case a restaurant that appears to have been very well thought-of) and thinks “Oooh, that’d be fun to live in/ work in”.

Today I’ve been guilty of both these acts.

4 Comments on “Perspectives”

  1. Dave says:

    You should worry! I drive around thinking, “nice windows” and “super guttering”.

  2. Lori says:

    I’ve been thinking the latter about loads of buildings I come across – since I was 17 and delivering free newspapers with my sister, and we had to walk past a gorgeous old house with a turret every week. I do the former an awful lot now too.

  3. Andy says:

    I go past buildings every day and wonder…….but as a nrly qualified Arch. you’d be friggin bored instantaneously by what I think about……..lets put it this way……I bore myself.

  4. MrTeacher says:

    I’ve never thought of the former, but frequently of the latter. Then I remember how hopeless I am atdiy.

    Mate, the thing I told you about a while back is still happening…when I access d4d via Sharpreader (RSS), your links bit still overlays the text message box and I can’t see what I’m typing for the amount of space it takes.

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