Posted: Wed 16 March, 2005 Filed under: News, Weirdness 2 Comments »I have to say that I agree with Terreus when it comes to the story today about the Marmite “blob” advert being pulled from kid’s TV. A whole six – yeah, count ’em, SIX – people complained that this ad “terrified” their children.
Now OK, personally I can’t see the attraction in jumping into a blob of Marmite, but that’s because I think the stuff’s revolting. But terrifying? Get a fucking life.
My kids love that advert! What about the new Pot Noodle advert “I’ve Got The Pot Noodle Horn” ad? It features a guy with a hunting horn shoved in his trousers wandering around looking for all the world like he has an unfeasibly large erection. Cue all the other people in the advert asking each other if they’ve got “The Horn” etc. No doubt there will be more than 6 people complaining about that one…
Six sets of kids terrified, fucks sake, if my kids were that soft i’d slap em wiv a spade and tell em to shut up. Some people are so wet!