Posted: Wed 23 March, 2005 Filed under: News, Thoughts 2 Comments »Now I have to say, this is a brilliant idea. Equipping a school with wind turbines and solar cells in order to generate some of its own power is one thing, connecting it to the National Grid is another.
And making the entire thing into an educational experience, and show energy conservation right from school is brilliance. I just hope that others follow the example – learning about this kind of thing is essential now, and should be made part of every curriculum.
Wow u r Dave Angel. But to be fair Lyle, I agree and it is happening, but very slowly, the establishment doesn’t seem to think that global warming is an issue.
There are other schools which use an even more reliable system known as BIOMASS, to me and thee it involves burning timber, which believe it or not can be carbon neutral if timber is planted at the same speed it is used etc etc. This system can be used as CHP combined heat and power or just for heat, beats me why it’s so difficult for people to wean themselves off gas, coal and oil…………….oh it’s the initial capital cost (silly me), but what about the longer term running costs, much reduced in terms of economics and the environment.