Charity Work

Yes, it’s “all for charidee, mate!”. Over the weekend I’ve been working more on organising fun stuff like balloon races for the charity I do some work with. I’m getting more involved in the fund-raising side, as well as the publicity and website bits I already do, and it’s pretty interesting.

This is all stuff I’ve not really been involved in before, so it’s fun, and makes for some interesting challenges. I’m thinking that I may even start doing a website (and/or a business sideline) in advice on these things for other people as I’m having the devil’s own job getting relevant information so far.

Still, all fun and games. And I’m sure I’ll write more about the various ideas and challenges as I go on with the process.

One Comment on “Charity Work”

  1. adhoc says:

    Umm . . .well what would you know. Advising charities on legal, organisational, operational and fundraising stuff used to be my job. Now that’s something I don’t normally admit to that often, but to be honest I’m kinda missing (some of) it.

    There is some useful information about, but as ever it depends what you’re looking for. Info and advice can be a bugger to find for the unititiated, but once you know where to start looking it’s often a case of questioning the quality rather then the quantity of the information. If you let me know what you’re looking for, I may be able to point you in some useful directions. And if you’re serious about a business sideline, well it’s been tried before with varying degrees of success, and I think perhaps that a beer or two may be in order sometime . . .

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