
Cheer up! It’s for a good cause!

Fuck Off.

11 Comments on “Cause”

  1. Steve says:

    I think you’ll find that it’s “Fuck off you red nosed cunt!”

  2. T. says:

    Cheer up! It’s Friday and I’m going out to get lashed and spend all the money I could be giving to charity on ruining my liver instead. Anything to celebrate the fact that I’m blogging again *cough cough*

  3. Scaryduck says:

    I am having a Red Nose Tramp Kick-a-thon.*

    * Lie. I am actually doing this: fuck all.

  4. razorhead says:

    also known as ‘boring shite telly night’

  5. adhoc says:

    I am in one incarnation a registered charity*

    So give me your money, you selfish bastards.
    Don’t you miserable heartless fuckers need to atone for your consumerist sins and aswage the guilt of the affluent, or something? Most normal people are content to spend 364 days a year indulging in their self-obsessed lives, but make up for it once a year by throwing a tenner in a bucket and enduring some torturous television. But not you lot with your social consciences spoiling things for everyone else.**
    I’ll even put on a bunny costume if you’re prepared to donate enough.***

    *True Fact!
    ** Not true.
    *** Maybe true.

  6. Gordon says:

    I fall victim to it as well but if you take a step back the vitriol that this day stirs in people is quite worrying.

    Crap, it’s not Valentine’s Day again, is it?

  7. adhoc says:

    I am not at all worried by any of my vitriol.

    In short, Red Nose Day while admirable in many respects, runs contrary to my beliefs about the effective role of philanthropy in addressing social change.

    Here’s a very few thoughts thrown out from the ranty side of my brain:

    1) The amount of cash that the general public contribute to charitable causes through both the Lottery and Red Nose Day make fundraising from the public much harder for smaller charities than it used to be. Both organisations only give grants for their specific priorities, and if your cause falls outside these you are denied access to a huge amount of potential funding.

    2)If our society is going to continue to claim to be at all civilised, then individuals ought to be educated / encouraged to make sustainable donations to causes that they believe are important, rather than donate to unspecified ‘good causes’ on an adhoc basis.

    3)Personal philanthropy is not a sustainable way to support many of the much needed services that are funded by red nose day. This applies especially to projects based in the UK which are delivering what I believe should be publicly funded services such as healthcare, education and social services. And if personal philanthropy is not good enough for us, then it’s not good enough for the developing world either. As such issues such as African famines become a problem that can be seen to be addressed by putting money in a bucket, rather than by the use of political and economic (and also commercial) forces that could make a real difference.

    4) And above all else it affords the opportunity for too many undeserving people to be smug self-righteous bastards, which is after all one of my very few talents and one that I practise all year round.

    That went on a bit . . .

  8. Skytower says:

    An excuse for the SAME OLD faces preaching the SAME OLD message. Ironic that on the same day as RND, we get Bill Gates being announced as the world’s richest person for the 11th year in a row. I’m sure he wouldn’t miss a billion quid.

  9. Andy says:

    I’m sure he could live comfortably on a few million, fuck ur foundation bill and melinda, give us ur cash………………oh and bill, ur wife is such a munter, u should put her on a fetish site, auction her off, there are plenty of sick twats out there that would pay for a bit of time with a billionaire freak.

  10. Andy says:

    Starting to sound like Bob Geldoph. Glad I don’t look like him.

  11. David says:

    I agree, distribution of wealth is the job of the State. A pity people in some countries (such as the UK) are so unwilling to pay the bill this entails in the form of taxes.
    About Bill Gates: I thought the IKEA guy was now the Richest Man In The World(tm)?

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