Posted: Sat 12 March, 2005 Filed under: Geeky, Thoughts, Weirdness 3 Comments »God, you’ve just got to love people sometimes, haven’t you?
The BBC has a story about the first (and I hesitate to use the terminology) ‘digital plumbers’ having qualified from their course.
The “digital plumbing” qualification – CompTIA HTI+ – has been set up with the help of funding from Yorkshire Forward investment.
The course will make sure that dedicated certified professionals have the expertise to install and maintain home networks, providing a “one stop shop” for people.
Fair enough, I know that networking home stuff can be a total twunt to do, but “digital plumbers”? Give me a break.
Arse cleavage compulsory?
Yorkshire forward grrrrrrrrr unelected NGO fully supported by the likes of John Prescott as a body that would have assisted the virtual devolution of Yorkshire from England (the yorkshire parliament proposal)…….over my dead body. It doesn’t surprise me that this project has come out of the monster that is Yorkshire Forward. I have but one thing to say to those people @YF……………..get out of my county u interfering twats!!!!!!!
Roooooaaaaaarrrrrrr!!!!!! Sounded like Atila the Hun there……. shame it’s not politically correct to talk about huns i mean Germans, dont mention the war.