Header Graphics
Posted: Fri 28 January, 2005 Filed under: D4D™, Geeky 2 Comments »Well, I’ve finally got the date switcher working on the header graphic, as yesterday showed. It’s actually a dead easy bit of code, I’d just never got round to it.
So anyway – what other dates should I change the header graphic? Obviously d4d™’s birthday is on the list (or will be when I make the actual graphic, but hey, I’ve got ’til August) as is World AIDS Day (ditto).
But what others should be on the list?
Cripes where do you start, or more likely, where do you stop? There seems to be a SUMMATOROTHER Day every day. Yesterday was Holocaust Day, day before that Australia.. ohh never mind about that one.
Why not pick days that are important to YOU?
I intend to – but there’s always space for a few more. Once I’d figured it out, it’s just a simple switch statement to pick the right image…