Assembling the Proof

I’ve spent a large part of today sorting through some of my photo collection (a rather worrying 3,750 images, or 4.5GB) to build up a selection that I can build up a bit of a portfolio from. Thankfully, today’s work has involved just one section, the flowers and macro shots I’ve taken. Mind you, even that worked out initially at just over 100 photos, although I’ve since whittled it down to a mere 69.

I’m getting them printed by my normal place, so I’ll have them here for Tuesday, or at latest Wednesday. Once that’s done, I’m going to look at how best I can crop some of them, get them reprinted, and then start work on assembling them into some kind of comprehensive grouping.

There’s a reason for all this. Not only was it part of my resolutions to myself this year, but I want to test the water and see what the reactions are. I’ve got a couple of companies lined up that I’d like to see printing up these photos, but well, we’ll have to see how it all goes, and what they say.

One Comment on “Assembling the Proof”

  1. Andy says:

    Wow Lyle, we share an interest. You seem vaguely knowledgable where as I enjoy photography but know knack all about it. But I do enjoy shots of spaces, mainly through which, people move. I like you, saw Anish Kapoor @ tate modern, and have never seen a piece of modern art affect a space like that before. The reaction of people to the work was bizarre. I did have some photos of the exhibition somewhere but lord knows where.

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