Posted: Mon 17 January, 2005 Filed under: General 1 Comment »Anyone who knows me will be aware that I’m really not all that good at relying on other people, nor am I exactly great at being tolerant when those other people don’t come through with what I’ve asked for and need done.
Today is one of those days – I need log-on details for certain sections of the stuff at work, and I’ve asked several people how to get it sorted. “Oh, I’ll do that in a couple of minutes” is the answer- and it’s not happening. I actually want to get on and get working on these projects and ideas, yet I can’t ’til I get the log-on and passwords sorted out. Yet I’m still waiting.
In another section, I’m waiting for feedback from a couple of people in what needs doing and altering in a couple of places, and that’s not happening either.
I’m pretty much in limbo, and that’s a place I don’t want to be. It’s frustrating, and I’m really not handling it all that well.
Limbo’s okay, as long as you can charge for having to be there 🙂