
If all were well with the world, this would be a deeply pissed post with letters astray everywhere, and not really much in the way of a thought-train. It’s 2.35am, and I’ve been out drinking (slowly but steadily, although according to the government it’d be seen as a “binge drinking session”) since 2.30pm. To coin a phrase, “oops”.

However, all’s obviously not right with the world. I’m worryingly sober, despite a rather copious amount of alcohol consumed. I wasn’t completely in the mood, and the supposed “send off”, (considering this is my last weekend in Manchester while resident here) while it’s been fun, hasn’t been quite the booze-fuelled chaos it could’ve been.

I don’t know why, but it’s just not clicked yet that I’m moving on. Well, that’s not true – it’s clicked in all the relevant ways, it’s just that I don’t really do “send off”s and the like, same as I don’t really do leaving parties and all that shite.

Yes, there’s a feeling of “Oh, blimey, this is my last official ‘night out’ in the city centre” kind of thing, but I don’t do that all that often anyway. Particularly in the last six months, but more accurately in the last eighteen, I’ve hardly been here of a weekend anyway. “Home” has been four walls within which my stuff resides, and my clothing gets washed and dried. “Home” in my heart has been – well, somewhere else. Where? Pass. But not here.

And now the time to move on is approaching – and doing so at speed. I’m looking forward to it – moving has always been the time when I feel most comfortable, rather than the “putting down roots” phase, although maybe that’s due to happen a bit in ’05.

For now though it’s time for bed, and I’ll write more and think more tomorrow later and see where I go from there. But yes, for now it’s bed, and being worryingly sober about the entire thing…


Amazingly, I’m in Manchester this weekend. I was supposed to be here next weekend too, but that plan has now changed, due to an interview down in Bracknell. Yes, the first interview, and about fucking time too.

Ah joy, a week to *cough* look forward to it.

Plague Ward

Rail safety experts are investigating the cold and flu risks faced by commuters packed on trains. With the flu season upon us, we ask experts what does lurk among bus, rail and Tube passengers?

It’s another of those “no shit, sherlock” moments. People who commute to work in public transport are more likely to catch colds etc. Shocker. You only have to be doing it to know how many people at any one time are sniffing and sneezing their way through the journey.

However, I also feel that on occasion it has a beneficial outcome too – because it results in a tougher immune system than the people who commute to work in their own little environmental microcosm. Or “car” if you prefer.

Fuck My Luck

Oh God, it’s going to be one of those days. Friday tends to be a “dress-down”, which in some contexts is fine. However, bear in mind that it’s now Winter, the office is like a sweatbox (the thermometer near me is reading 25°C) and Stinky® is on top form.

Coming in through the office’s front door, I took one breath and knew he was in. It’s that bad. And because it’s “dress-down” he’s also opted to wear a wooly jumper. Fuck knows why – I’ve never claimed to understand the mindset of the odiferous.

Thank chuff for Glade® plugins. My section of the office may now start smelling like a Macdonalds shitter, but it’s miles better than the alternative.

My lovely hosts

I use for the hosting of d4d™ (and a few others besides), and all things considered I’ve been bloody impressed with them so far. Service has always been quick and non-patronising, even when it’s turned out that I’m an utter twat when it comes to remembering certain passwords or whatever. (Yes, these things happen, even to me!)

Yesterday I got an email from them, and they’ve increased the webspace on every account. Not just mine – everyones. Now, OK, they’re a hosting company, and obviously disk-space isn’t a hugely expensive commodity for them. But a 30Mb account now is 50Mb. The 75Mb I’ve got (and which I’d recently increased from 50Mb) is now 150Mb.

And I can’t deny – even knowing it will have cost them close to fuck-all – that I’m impressed by that gesture. They’re very, very nice people, the ones at 34sp.


It has to be said, someone (and she knows who she is) knows me far too well…

As with yesterday’s, click to biggify. And yes, the curtain behind it is vile – that’s one of the joys of rented property…


I must admit, I’m pleased to see that David Bieber has been found guilty of murder and attempted murder. I’ve not commented on it ’til now, but the story of what this man did was pretty horrific. I can’t even imagine being on the jury, and hearing the recording of policeman Ian Broadhurst pleading with Bieber for his life before being shot executed at point blank range.

Bieber’s story about the killer having been “a friend” that “he wouldn’t betray” really didn’t appear to hold any water at all, and yes, I’m glad that he’s been found guilty.