Normal Service?
Posted: Thu 16 December, 2004 Filed under: Geeky Leave a comment »Well, it looks like ‘normal’ service has been resumed chez Blogger. A “misconfigured router” that chuffed things for the greater part of yesterday. We’ll see how things go today, anyway.
As for WordPress and the problems I was having with it, they came down to a number of things. Not least among them is that fact that (unless I’ve missed it somewhere along the line) wordpress only seems to work when it’s index.php. The problem on d4d™ is that – well – this part isn’t the only section on the site. It’s on a page of its own, and WP really doesn’t seem to like it. So I’m going to have to work to create a new directory where this lot can go as index.php and work from there – oh, and write some rules to redirect people from /random.html to /random/index.php. Bit of a pain in the arse, but still doable. The other problem, which led to three re-installs is that WP really didn’t appear to like Opera – I reset the admin password and everything died, wouldn’t let me in at all, and so it was another reinstall. I ended up doing all that guff in Firefox instead.
So now I just need to figure out the templating stuff, and then I can have the real joys of exporting/importing from Blogger to WP. Oh what joy…