
I’m sure there’s a load of stuff I’m supposed to be doing today, but quite honestly I’ll be damned if I can remember what it was. This is not a good state of affairs.

Up it

It’s obviously one of those days. Blogrolling appears to be chuffed (again) and Blogger is taking a dog’s age to upload anything. It might be them, it might be my workplace’s connection, but either way, it’s definitely all officially Up It.


We went over yesterday to see my god-daughter. It’s already six weeks since the birth, and it was the first time I’d seen her. Cue a disturbingly mushy Lyle – be afraid.


Marc Almond

Having been travelling most of the day, I can’t believe the news that Marc Almond is critically ill in hospital following a bike crash. The BBC is now reporting that he’s ‘stable’ in hospital. (first time he’s been stable anywhere – but that’s as good a place as any, I suppose)

Fingers crossed that he recovers from this.

Autumn/Winter Blogmeet

As most regulars now know, I’m only going to be up here in Manchester another couple of months, and my weekends are manic. So – while I’m away this weekend, and can leave this back up at the top of today’s posts, who’s up for a Manchester blogmeet one weeknight between here and the end of December? (or January, at a push)

Comments and answers either in the comments box, or email me if you’ve got the address. (And really, it shouldn’t be too difficult to find) *Grin*


ScroogeIt gets earlier every year, doesn’t it? Last year I don’t think the old sod made an appearance ’til November, this year there he is, decorating a post for 14th October. (EDIT : Actually I’ve just checked the October archive page and he’s on one from the 18th)

Bloody Christmas crap in the middle of October. Grrr.

All the 3s

I’ve just looked in my diary. In three weeks time (three weeks today, in fact) I’ll be thirty-three. Thirty-bloody-three. Where’s the time gone? It doesn’t seem like a year (OK, currently 49 weeks) since I posted this for the last one.

But this time I’ll be down in Kent, staying at Prospect Tower. That should be fun – I’m certainly looking forward to it.