
Apparently, Boots are considering going into partnership with Durex, and selling vibrators and sex toys in the new year. So far I’m impressed that no-one has called this “A shake-up of the business plan“.


Interesting to see that Liverpool is launching a campaign to get people to remove hats, helmets, or hoods before going into shops. I can see that this is – potentially – a good idea, having seen the number of little scallie bastards in Manchester who use these items to conceal their faces. In the majority of cases I’ve no idea whether they’re doing it to “buy into” the stereotype ‘urban criminal’ look, or whether it’s because they intend to steal/threaten – however, it’s deeply unsubtle, and I’ve often wondered whether in fact that style of appearance doesn’t attract more attention from store detectives and CCTV operators etc., instead of providing the intended anonymity and prevention of identification.


You know, there’s one brilliant indicator that’ll tell you if an area is depressed or not. And that sign is this :

When the local “pound shop” is closing down, and has a sign on the window reading “Closing Down. Everything Half Price

Oldham has a shop doing this.

Nicely Avoided

Further to the guff from yesterday about the work Christmas Do, an email has just come round saying that all the remaining tickets have now been sold.

Even better, not one of the tickets has been sold to me. A couple of people yesterday suggested I should go, but well, no, I think I’ll avoid it. Wednesday the 23rd is going to be my last day in the current job anyway, so to finish and then go to the Christmas Do would be dedication above and beyond. Besides, I can think of several better things to do. Watching paint dry, for one. Celebrate the end of the contract, for two. Pack a bag for the Festering Season being another.

But now it’s a moot point – the tickets have been sold, and I’m not going. Works just fine for me.


Do you have days where you simply despair of both the retail world, people in general, and really just the Festering Season™ altogether? Yes, you’ve guessed it – this is one of those days. And it’s only October.

Superdrug has all its Christmas-theme wrapping paper stocked up at the front of the shop, Tesco has a load of boxed chocolates and special Festive-type fare (including Mince Pies, for fuck’s sake) and – as observed last week – Next in the city centre has bloody silver christmas trees in the window. (And I must remember to get photographic proof of that one…)

However, not content with that little lot, this email came round last night at work…

There are only 35 tickets left for the work’s Christmas Do on Wednesday 22nd December.
We have been informed that if anyone wants to go, they are going to have to
be pretty quick. It is definitely first come first served now.
Can you let me know by tomorrow at the latest who wants a ticket, so we can
reserve them.
We have been informed that at the rate they are going, all tickets will be
gone by Friday.
Be quick if you don’t want to be disappointed!
[the organiser]

Two bloody months beforehand, and people are buying tickets for a work Christmas Do. I dearly hope I’m never that organised…

Turned Down

A while back, I said that I’d submitted a selection of my photos to a local exhibition space who were looking for new work.

I’ve now received a letter saying thanks, but no thanks. No explanations of why, though, so I’m going to reply, and see if they can give me any feedback. As with so many things at the moment, as with so many risks, there’s nothing to lose by trying.

I can’t deny, I’m a bit keffed off about it – but then, reality kicks in, and why the hell would I expect to be accepted on my first submission?

But it does seem to sum up the day for me today. Ah well – tomorrow’s something else.


I’ve looked at this story about Abu Hamza three times now, and on each occasion I’ve misread “soliciting for murder” as “murdering solicitors”. I think I need to get out more.