Posted: Tue 26 October, 2004 Filed under: General Leave a comment »
It’s now officially one of those days. I’ve had two emails today regarding putting documents onto the intranet. On the first one they’d managed to not attach the “attached” document – not once, but twice. Which is impressive. The second one was rather more succinct.
“Can you please put the attached document on the intranet ASAP.”
That was it. Fair enough, the document’s attached on this occasion, but the intranet is over 2,000 pages, split between five major groups and then all the little fiefdoms under that. So God knows exactly where it’s supposed to go. But it’s definitely shaping up as one of those days. Roll on 5pm.
Posted: Mon 25 October, 2004 Filed under: General Leave a comment »
Ye Gods, last week was obviously the week of the blogwedding, what with Graybo getting hitched to Hels and also Stuart and Krissa doing a similar thing in the US.
All the best to both couples.
Posted: Mon 25 October, 2004 Filed under: General Leave a comment »
Gone Quiet
I’m not sure quite what’s happened today, but there seems to be very little going on. The roads were quiet this morning, and the office is virtually deserted. On a plus point, Stinky® is on a week off, which is a Good Thing and gives me some peace, and my sense of smell some recovery time.
But it’s definitely quiet, and there’s not a lot at the moment worthy of commentation. (if that’s a word – I suspect it’s not) And it looks like Gordon is suffering the same problem.
Posted: Sun 24 October, 2004 Filed under: General Leave a comment »
Of all the things that aren’t much fun to do on a Sunday, cleaning out a freezer comes high on the list. Particularly when it wasn’t planned at all. It looks like at some point this week I’d not closed the freezer door properly, so everything had defrosted to some degree, and the freezer resembled a small cross-section of the Polar regions.
As it is, I’ve opted for the safer choice, and simply chucked out everything. (Well, except for the vodka, but that doesn’t care about being defrosted) It’s a pain in the arse, but less of one than a dollop of food poisoning can be. And besides, it gave me a chance to clear out stuff and be done with it. But now it’s cleaned out, defrosted, and probably running a bit more efficiently. Just would’ve been nice to have to clean it out on my own timetable, rather than having it inflicted upon me. Ah well.
Posted: Sun 24 October, 2004 Filed under: General Leave a comment »
Scissor Sisters, Manchester Apollo
I’d had tickets to the previous Scissor Sisters gig in Manchester a couple of months ago, but missed it due to some work commitments – they don’t happen often, but when they do they have to be handled.
Anyway, when the next tour was announced, I picked up tickets again, and was determined to see them this time round. And wow, it was worth it. The camera did a bit better too, and came up with some stuff I’m really quite pleased with. The support act were decidedly odd – I think they were called “Fifi and Herm”, although it might have been “KiKi and Herm” – memory fails. Very odd bunch of New York cabaret-style cover versions (although the initial “Hit Me Baby One More Time” was deeply noteworthy, as was the ability to mix up “Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer” and Nirvana’s “Smells Like Teen Spirit”) were amusing, but not really successful as a warm-up to the main attraction. On the other hand, DJ Sammy Jo who provided the music in between acts was superb, and warmed people up far more than the support act had managed.
When the curtain went up for the Scissor Sisters, they’d managed to transform the stage into a type of glam ballroom, chandelier and all – and a light-show that wouldn’t have been out of place at a much larger venue. They kicked in and played everything off their album, as well as three new tracks which sounded like they’d fit right in, and hold a lot of promise for the second album when they get round to recording it. (I think that first of all they need to get some time where they’re not touring!) They even managed to make Franz Ferdinand’s “Take Me Out” sound good – quite an achievement in its own right.
Over all the entire gig was superb, full of energy, and with the passion and sound to go a long way further – I reckon the next venue they play in Manchester might well be headlining at the Evening News Arena. They’ve already played there as support for Duran Duran, and I can see them playing there several times before long on their own merit. Well worth catching any time they play in the vicinity.
Posted: Sat 23 October, 2004 Filed under: General Leave a comment »
West Wing Season Four
I’ve just finished watching the DVDs of Season Four of the West Wing. It’s taken me longer than usual to watch the complete season, primarily because there’s been so much other stuff going on in life at the moment, but I’ve still got through the last two discs in about three days.
And the combined effect of those two discs can be summed up as either “Wow” or “Fucking Hell!” depending on who you’re talking to. I’ve always been impressed by the series, by the scripting, the acting, and the story curve – but I have to say that the final three episodes of Season Four are an amazing example.
And the only other reaction I’ve got having seen those last episodes is to thank the Lord that Season Five is already showing on E4, and TiVo has got sorted so that I can find out what happens…
Posted: Fri 22 October, 2004 Filed under: General Leave a comment »
Hungry Caterpillar
Amazingly, the book “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” is now 35 years old today. Since being published, it’s sold at least one copy every second minute (My mistake) of every day somewhere in the world. That’s quite something.
The piece in the Guardian is fascinating, detailing the way it’s been popular with not just children but also teachers, education authorities, artists, and even US Presidents (Bet you can’t guess which one…) There can’t be many people who don’t know the book, and I think it’s a stunning achievement to have been constantly in print for 35 years. Long may it continue. (Along with “Where the Wild Things Are“, which is slightly older at 37years old.)