
Over the last two years I’ve pissed and moaned on various occasions about Virgin Trains, the lack of seating on prime-time trains, airconditioning that doesn’t work when it gets warm, the fact there’s regularly only one working toilet for a train of 600+ people, and a range of other screw-ups. Well, ring the bells and sing praise to God/Branson in the highest, it looks like they’re finally paying attention and doing something about it. My flabber has rarely been so gasted. Bet the prices go up though.

Wanky Sig

One of my “colleagues” here is supposedly in charge of making sure we have as much information as possible about the services of his department. His email signature is “Inform, Influence, and Innovate” followed by his contact details.

I’m sorry, but how pretentious?

Alternative Trains

On the BBC today, there’s a story about a commuter who’s decided that the service offered is crap so he’s trying to run his own trains. Of course, First Great Western aren’t overly amused by the entire thing, but there we go, if they offered a decent (and on-time) service, then they wouldn’t be getting people who want to provide a competitive and cheaper service.


Hmm, now there’s something I didn’t know. If you do a search in Google for, say “link:https://www.dummies-for-destruction.co.uk/random.html” then you get a list of all the sites/posts that link to (in this case) d4d™. I didn’t know google did that – it’s very clever, isn’t it?

Additionally, I come up in the top 20 on Google for “why neighbours are cunts” and in the top 50 for “purchase kids dummies“. And AOL, God love it, has me listed under “personal stereo headsets for hard hats“. And yes, still in the top ten for “‘st george and dragon’ wargrave“. Mission successful.


We had a fantastic thunderstorm last night. Nothing like certain parts of Cornwall, of course. (And on a tangent, how odd that it should happen on the anniversary of the disastrous Lynton/Lynmouth flood 52 years ago)

But it was much needed – although I really need to go out and remove some weedery from the front garden as it’s going like it’s on growth hormones at the moment. Joy.

However, it still didn’t break the humidity and air last night, so it was back to the second shitty night on the trot. This morning I am not in a good mood. I think I should be renamed Oscar.


via Greenfairy, I couldn’t help clicking on MarryBlaire.com – a site by an American woman (no shockers so far) who has decided that she wants/has to be engaged by the end of this year, and who is looking for her husband online.

Words fail me. I really want to think “well, that’s one way to do it, I guess”, but instead it’s more “Ye Gods, talk about desperate”. She also keeps people updated via a blog. Cynicism overload.

Andrew Craig

Hmm, interesting. Looking back through my Haloscan comments, I came across two from someone called Andrew Craig, who obviously wasn’t brave enough to leave an email or web address. Neither of his comments was particularly relevant, nor even overly civil – and it leaves me wondering if I should exercise censorship and just delete them, or let them stay as a shining example of why some people shouldn’t be allowed near computers.