Return to Type

It couldn’t last.

Excuse me, is there something wrong with your bollocks? (resisting the temptation to add “and if not, would you like there to be?”)
Well would you mind closing your fucking legs then, so someone else can sit on that seat too?

Am I in the minority by being male, and being able to sit with my legs together, rather than with a 100° angle between them?

Irony in action

I love the story today of the twitchersObsessive bird-spotters who (pardon the pun) flocked to see a rare American Robin in Grimsby (you can tell that the poor sodding thing was lost, can’t you?) only to watch it get ripped to shreds by a sparrowhawk.

Absolutely hilarious.

Change of Attitude

Contrary to the impression perhaps conveyed by the post below, I’m currently trying to not be quite such a ratty twat. The last few weeks have pushed me more than usual, so some time off would be nice.

However, from the evidence of today, I should perhaps also invest in full page ads in every paper reporting this desire to have some peace, and also a full suit of armour. Or alternatively a force-field of Death Star-esque proportions.

Walking back to the office, a knobber actually collided with me. He was running for the bus, and bang, straight into me. Understandable(ish) if it were a side-impact, if one of us had crossed into the path of the other. But no, this was from behind (ooooer missus), and a direct impact. The man was just a cockhead – I’m 6’4″ish, and hardly a beanpole. I’m about as missable as, oooh, an office block, say. But no, this knobber managed to collide. It was all I could do not to kick him in the head after he’d hit the ground. There’d have been no worries about brain-damage – he didn’t fall on his arse.

Potential Merchandising – Part Three

Following on from last week’s design ideas, this one occurred today. I was going to get one done for the idiot ringlicking twunt colleague who STILL can’t add images to Word® documents, but as he’s the PR officer for the entire council, it’s possibly not such a smart idea.

But it’s still bloody tempting. Akin to a statement of “I can put an image on a mug, you can’t even put ’em in a bloody Word doc.” (Oh, and yes, the original concept had a MUCH ruder word. *Grin*)

Moose – Addition

OK, now that’s confusing. I had a card last week from the Post Office, telling me there was a package I had to collect. Wasn’t expecting anything (other than the – still not arrived – mug from last week ) I didn’t have a chance to collect it from the Post Office ’til this morning. Hmmm, large box – that’s bloody big packaging for a mug…

Of course, it wasn’t a mug. It’s a Moose. (Well, they say it’s a reindeer. But we know better… )A moose from – even more bizarrely – La Senza, and posted from Nottingham. All very strange.

But thank you, whoever sent it.

Music and Sociology

The entire of this article could be filed under “No Shit, Sherlock”.

Apparently, people like to wear music players (be they MP3, cassette (showing yer age there, Lyle) or CD) so that they can have more control of their surroundings, and also to provide an illusion of public space where really there is none. Music on earphones provides a personal “bubble” that is controlled solely by ourselves, and this helps to relieve the stress of everyday urban life.

I think that’s pretty much the précis of the article. Hands up who’d never realised that kind of thing before this academic study…


Out of interest, what the hell gave the award to the whippet? Utterly bizarre. The Giant Schnauzer was utterly beautiful, and deserved the award. Grrr.