Posted: Sat 20 March, 2004 Filed under: General Leave a comment »
Off to see Mastermind being recorded in the BBC studios in Water Street. Then onto the Old Wellington for food. A good evening should be had by all…
Posted: Sat 20 March, 2004 Filed under: General Leave a comment »
It had never really struck me til today, but shopping on a Saturday, particularly at a shopping centre like the Manchester Arndale centre really is just the scallie version of promenading. Showing off how cool, sexy and alluring you are. 4.5 carat gold, trackie trousers tucked into socks, fake Burberry, the lot.
Posted: Fri 19 March, 2004 Filed under: General Leave a comment »
In what can only be described as a fuck-up, Coca-Cola’s new bottled water, “Dasani” has been recalled. From its infamous “as pure as bottled water gets” slogan (and in fact it’s as pure as tap water gets too) apparently has more than the legal quantity of bromate so they’re recalling about half a million bottles.
Posted: Fri 19 March, 2004 Filed under: General Leave a comment »
I don’t know what the hell happened last night, but I think my pillows tried to attack me. Either that or it was bloody noisy outside last night.
I know I had a badly disturbed night, but when I woke up this morning one pillow was on the other side of the room, and the other was hanging half out of the window I’d left open.
Posted: Fri 19 March, 2004 Filed under: General Leave a comment »
Ye gods, that’s been a lot of money paid out. Council Tax, Gas Bill, two phone bills (a slight matter of one being way overdue, as explained here), and an outstanding bookclub one that I’d forgotten about. Ooops.
In addition, new business cards (another Oooops – I’d forgotten about them when I ditched the Three phone – Arse!), Mothering Sunday, mugs, books, and a thank-you pressie. As well as food/drink and changing a domain from here to here. Fairly quiet day, really.
Posted: Fri 19 March, 2004 Filed under: General Leave a comment »
It’s one of those days/weeks/months. Stinky, the manager, is off on holiday for two weeks. Instead of reeking out the office, some 400 people will be lucky enough to be trapped in a metal tube for eight hours with him as he goes to Canada. My sympathies.
During his (much awaited) absence, Yours Truly has been delegated to take all the flak and deal with any incoming workload. All well and good, except that I’m a contractor, and the other person on the “team” (while I agree that “there is no I in team”, there is also no “fuck you” – which I believe to be a major oversight) is a full-time permanent employee of the council. Needless to say, he’s not overly happy that I get to do “da manager”‘s job, instead of him.
The next fortnight promises to be – interesting…
Posted: Thu 18 March, 2004 Filed under: General Leave a comment »
Yellow Brick Road
Having previous commented yesterday about various twadge-ups, the concept of drivers following a police car whose driver had left the ‘follow me’ sign on accidentally simply has to be mentioned.
Along with the word “twunts“.