
Lyle, can you put this document up on the intranet please?
It’s important, it has to be available from Monday, or we break one of our prome Government requirements.
Thanks. I’m now off for a week, so any questions about it will have to wait ’til my return.

Department $#!+

Ok, that’s not a difficult request. One document, to go on the intranet. Knowing where would be nice, but I can probably figure that out. Knowing what the blue blazing fuck they mean by “(link)” (and of course some clue about what the (link) is supposed to bastard well link to) next to some of the document references would be useful. Actually having some of the documents that are purportedly part of this ultra-important e-Government bullshit would be kind of handy too. Come to that, some kind of guidelines regarding how they want the document to look, and what the fiddly shit they’re blithering on about would be fairy usefull as well.

So – do I make sure the document is on the intranet for Monday, cock-ups and all, so that the deadline is appeased, but the originator of the document looks like a moron? Or do I wait for the fucktard to come back, blow the deadline out of the water, get a bollocking, and have a sensible document made available a couple of days late?

End of an Era

It looks like EMAP have pretty much decided that the next issue of The Face will be the last unless a last-minute purchaser can be found. It’s been running now for 24 years, and the last issue will be published on April 8th.

They’re also saying that Just Seventeen is also likely to close down – both of these magazines have been running for over 20 years. It’ll be sad to see them go…

Sod Redux

Ah, I’ve remembered the email and log-in for the domain that’s moved. But what a nad-up – I thought I’d got all my eggs in one basket one account with all the domain names in it, and it turns out I’ve actually got three different accounts, each with a couple of domains linked to it. Ooops.

Also, and this is where it gets really confusing for my poor inadequate braincells, the passwords aren’t what I thought they were either. The subconscious is a wonderful thing, allegedly, but when it comes to registering passwords and log-ins, it’s an absolute tosser.


Stinky is off for a week (Yay!), so I would like to apologise to the inhabitants of Toronto in advance. However, if someone could push the dirty smelly fucker into the Niagara Falls, it’d be greatly appreciated.

While he’s away though, I’ve got some webpages to write and put up on the council’s site. I’ve been given the set of pages in MS Word documents (well, in one document, to be precise) and it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. So it’s going to be a fun day while I try to drain my brain and recall what was said about these poxy pages, and how they should be appearing. Or even where…


I must be getting popular in my old age. Either that or desperate for more readers. So this week I’m also writing for Uborka along with qB. So it’s a bit of a mad week, and I’m still not quite sure what I’ll be writing on the Uborka side.

A few ideas are surfacing – slowly – so we’ll see how it goes.


As I posted a couple of days ago, I’ve been moving a domain from Easyspace to 34sp. The process has been remarkably smooth so far, except for one small roadhump. I’ve forgotten the logon/password combination for the new domain space on I’ll get it tomorrow, but it’s a bit of a balls-up, and entirely my own fault. Mea Culpa, but sod, all the same.

Zero7 – Manchester Academy 1

Oops, meant to write a bit about this yesterday, but didn’t get round to it. Story of my life this weekend.

Unfortunately there’s no pictures – a) the gig was filled with lanky tosspots, and from the back of the gig, even the 10x zoom struggled to get a decent image. Stunning camera, but needed more light than the “intimate” atmosphere of this concert. Bit of a bummer, but there we go.

The concert itself was pretty stunning – utterly different to last week’s Reel Big Fish gig, in msucial style, crowd-age, lighting, atmosphere, the lot. I’m never quite sure how to sum up Zero 7 – their first album has been heard just about everywhere, from adverts to TV home makeover shows, stopping off on various soundtracks along the way, and in most pubs, restaurants, and shops at some point. It was last year’s version of Moby’s “Play” album, where everyone heard it somewhere.

And as such, the concert was more of the same. The new album has only been out for about a month, but it’s likely to end up with a similar profile – the TV producer’s favourite. Overall it was a good concert – but really nothing special. The stylre of music doesn’t really lend itself to huge lighting displays, or even domineering stage presences. A very laid back “lounge” gig, all things considered.