Posted: Wed 3 March, 2004 Filed under: General Leave a comment »
Squirrel Shag Support
I saw this on the local TV news, and thought it was hilarious. The Highways Agency has created a suspended bridge to allow randy squirrels to cross a road without getting squished. How perfect is that? The branches that overhung (overhanged?) the road were all cut back by the Highways Agency, so the red squirrels in Formby, Merseyside were having to run across the road instead – and were getting squashed more often than not.
Now, they have a rope “bridge” across the road. I hope they use it, but I do think the entire concept is pretty damn funny.
Posted: Wed 3 March, 2004 Filed under: General Leave a comment »
Will to Live – Permanence pt. 1
Well, it’s been confirmed that my contract is being extended (again) with the council, so I’m here for another three months now. I don’t mind the work- it’s hardly rocket science, after all – and it’s been OK to work on other stuff for myself at the same time, which probably comes under the terms “getting away with murder”, or alternatively “having your cake, and eating it”.
But at the same time, I don’t really feel overly enthused about staying here ’til July. I’ll do it, no worries – but I have to say that right now I really wouldn’t have been upset at all if they’d turned round and said “Sorry, we don’t need you after the end of this contract period”. There’s been a lot of stuff going on recently, both within the council and with my own work everywhere else, and in some ways I just want to get on with it all, and get some changes under way.
Deep inside, I know a lot of the issues are to do with permanence, and the way that affects me. I’ve been here doing one contract for 11 months, and by the end it’ll now be near as dammit a year and a quarter in once place. That’s the longest time in one workplace in more than a decade. In fact, I think it’s close to the longest I’ve ever stayed in one workplace. Today’s the fifth anniversary of me moving up to Manchester, and that’s the longest I’ve lived in any one place since I was 16. It’s one of those days where I feel weighted down, where things just feel permanent. It’s not a place I like being. Something makes me think I’ll be doing some changing of stuff in the next couple of weeks.
And yes, I think there will be some more bits about Permanence over the next few days. Perhaps another aspect of this all being in my head at the moment is the fact I’m seeing my parents this weekend…
Posted: Tue 2 March, 2004 Filed under: General Leave a comment »
Ring of Fire
Finally, I’ve just looked at my visitors, and come across this

Sense of humour? Sponsored by Preparation H?
Posted: Tue 2 March, 2004 Filed under: General Leave a comment »
Potential Merchandising – Part Two
There is, however, another candidate. I haven’t ordered one, just knocked up the design. But I’m tempted…
So, if given the choice, which would you go for?
Posted: Tue 2 March, 2004 Filed under: General Leave a comment »
Potential Merchandising
Following on from David‘s post today about mugs with logos/banners on them, I had a look at TShirt Studio to do a d4d mug. I’ve sent off a preliminary design, so I’ll know soon enough what it’ll look like. (And yes, the idea is slightly nicked from the Scarymug, but as I designed that too, then so be it.
Posted: Tue 2 March, 2004 Filed under: General Leave a comment »
Regardless of everything else, sometimes Lyle really isn’t far below the surface with me.
Today’s instance has been a case in point. Having queued in order to buy a paper, some old duffer just walks in front of me in order to get served.
Oi, there’s a queue here, you know
Well, I’ve been pushed in front of loads of times
Well, I’m sure that makes it fair, you arrogant old fucker.
I’d feel ashamed, but he was a rude bastard, and frankly, fuck that.
I should point out, that “old” is simply a statement of fact, not a pejorative. I’d have been just the same (if not ruder) if he’d been 21. Particularly if he’d had a burberry cap on.
Posted: Mon 1 March, 2004 Filed under: General Leave a comment »
Blockquote styling
Yes, I’ve changed the colour of the blockquote style in the CSS. Actually, it looks OK. Personally I didn’t have a problem with the purple, but apparently it messed up some people’s eyes, so in the interests of being semi-tolerant (it’s the first of the month, give me time… Exceptions, rules, and all that jazz) we’ll see how this one goes. Enjoy.