
You knew I’d go for it in the end, didn’t you? Heh. So – the first twenty tracks out of my MP3 collection go like this :-

  1. Martina Topley-Bird : Lullaby
  2. Voice of the Beehive – Just a City
  3. Tom Jones – Jezebel
  4. Unkle – What Are You To Me?
  5. Tom Waits – Coney Island Baby
  6. Good Charlotte – Story of My Old Man
  7. Chickasaw Mudd Puppies – Prison
  8. Elbow – Snooks
  9. Alabama 3 – Let The Caged Bird Sing
  10. Massive Attack – Blue Lines
  11. Beloved – Paradise Found
  12. Ministry – Breathe
  13. Machines of Loving Grace – Lilith/Eve
  14. Erasure – Sometimes
  15. Coldplay – A Rush Of Blood To The Head
  16. Soft Cell – Le Grand Guignol
  17. Alabama 3 – Hotel California
  18. Reverend Horton Heat – Beer
  19. Loudon Wainwright III – It’s Love and I Hate It
  20. Nina Simone – Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood

Talking to Murderers

I restrained myself from commenting at the time about the police interviewing as many serial killers as possible in order to build up a ‘profile’. I can kind of see the reasons behind it – but there are several flaws there too. The biggest one that I can see is that – when it comes to apprehending killers, anyway – the common factor with all of the ones that would be interviewed is that they’ve been caught. Sounds like common sense, doesn’t it? But if they’ve been caught then in general they’re likely to have made a mistake or done something that got them caught, or raised suspicion.

It’s like the old theory that prisons were a good place to learn abotu crime – in fact they’re a good place to learn how to get caught.

Anyway, it’s also no surprise to me that Ian Brady has already refused to help or be interviewed, and I suspect that others will follow suit. Even without taking everything else into consideration, what on earth makes the police think that any decent serial killer is going to want to help them, for chuff’s sake?

MP3 Playlist

No, I’m not going to do that meme (yet) – but following on from yesterday’s post, the combination of tracks on my little 128Mb MP3 player today is quite varied :

Having it on random makes life fairly interesting…

So much, So little.

There’s loads of things I could probably blither on about today (and in fact may do so later) including the film of Christ’s temptation opening to controversy in the US (regular readers can imagine my surprise on that one), the NHS cheapskates only being prepared to fund one round of IVF treatment, the first UK citizenship ceremony, and Blunkett attempting to put on a swastika armband in an effort to look less like a fascist totalitarian in the name of anti-terror. All rate as fair game, and I’m sure at least two will get more of a rant later.

In addition there’s Halifux being sleazy buggers (again) and the exceptionally dodgy “it wasn’t us, we didn’t do it” story from the parents of Shafilea Ahmed (to the resounding accompaniment of a chorus of “Aye, right. Pull the other one, it’s got bells on” from the audience.

So much to blither about, so little inclination to do so.


A while back, I commented about wearing headphones at work, and having music while working on repetitive, dull crappy tasks council websites. Today I’m definitely needing music, as the combination of a) workmen replacing the security barriers outside the office, b) fucking morons talking (loudly) about keff all [bear in mind I can hear them – over the headphones – from the other side of the office], c) dull repetitive stuff (roll on the Content Management System), and d) semi-tropical office temperatures has induced a headache of epic proportions. Again.

It’s a choice between music and homicide. Even with music, homicide is still an option. I wonder if I can beat someone’s face in while keeping with the rhythm?

Note to Self : Diamanda Galas’ “Sporting Life” album is probably not the best thing to listen to in order to maintain sanity. It is, however, funky as hell.


Sorry about the lack of comments currently, but it looks like Haloscan’s database has disappeared up its own output port again. Poxy system. And yes, I know, I know, MT is the way to go. Give me a spare month and I might get round to it.

It’s back now – no explanation. I really need that spare month…

Fascist Weasel

So, George Bush wants to change the US Constitution in order to make gay marriage illegal, does he? Frankly, what difference is there between a religious extremist killing others because they don’t hold the same faith, and some fundamentalist Texan telling people how they should live their lives – and trying to effectively make part of their lifestyle illegal?

In a related story, Californian Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger said

Because the city and county of San Francisco’s actions [in allowing gay marriage] are directly contrary to state law and present an imminent risk to civil order

Yes, that’s Arnold Schwarzenegger, star of films like Terminator, Commando, and Predator – all proponents of civil order.

Where does it end? If gay marriage is made constitutionally illegal, then the gates are open for any other forms of discrimination to come in.