
Yes, it’s true. As well as writing all my normal bull for d4d™, this week I’m also one of Mike’s first guest bloggers at Troubled Diva. One whole week of coming up with stuff for both sites – talk about stress! *Grin*

Oh, and there’s likely to be (yet) another addition to the moose/reindeer collection by the end of the day. I saw it first thing this morning, and it needs to be done. A signing moving reindeer, that apparently sings “Rudolph”. I suspect the batteries for it may have an “accident”, and I may feel the need to hack the voice recording – the idea of a scrooge Reindeer really appeals, for some surreal reason.


Oops – when moving, make sure you keep all discs of drivers and so on in a safe place. I thought I had, but the gubbins for the wireless networking router appears to be AWOL. Joy. Downloading all the drivers etc. – still, it’ll be good when it’s all done.

At Fucking Last

Finally, after another hours call which ended in deep sarcasm and epic apologies from the fucktard script-following bint with less clue than an amnesiac crossword compiler, I’m finally back on ADSL. Wooo me.

Next step – wireless networking. But for now, I’m off to see Kosheen in concert. So there.

Another Note to Self

Following a night with friends, when coming down the next morning and grabbing the glass of “coke” that’s on the desk, it’s best to remember it also had vodka in it BEFORE draining the glass in one. It’s quite a shock to the system, shall we say?

100,000 (part 2)

That 100,000th page impression is just round the corner. 98,567 is the current total (well, the total at the end of yesterday), and yesterday on it’s own had just under 900 page impressions. So I reckon that by Sunday we’ll be well over the 100,000. Not a bad achievement at all…

Poor old sod

According to the BBC, Catholics around the world are preparing for the death of the Pope. He’s been getting steadily worse this year – personally, I kind of doubt he’ll make it into 2004, but he’s a tenacious old sod, so who knows.

I find it amazing that he’s been Pope now for 25 years – quarter of a century in a role like that would be enough to exhaust anyone. Technically, he could resign (I didn’t know this, but apparently it’s true) although it’d be pretty radical, as the last pope to resign was Celestine V in 1294. However, his view is that God gave him the job, God’ll take it away. To me, that’s a sign of the commitment that this Pope has always shown – despite my (much-publicised) dislike of organised religion in general, and Catholics in particular (not through sectarian reasons, but simply through personal experiences of Catholicism in all it’s “glory”) I think that he’s done an immense amount, both for Catholicism and Christianity. When he finally does pop his clogs, John Paul II is going to be a hard act to follow.


Oh, what a clumsy twat I am – I appear to have deleted my invite/confirmation for going to my work’s office Christmas Lunch. Alas, Alack, and Woe is me. How shall I live down this terrible trauma to my social life?
