Posted: Tue 14 October, 2003 Filed under: General Leave a comment »
I don’t know why, but the last couple of days I’ve just not really been in the mood for writing much. I’m hoping it’s related to feeling crap, and that normal service will be restored as soon as possible.
For now though, I’m off to bed. G’night.
Posted: Tue 14 October, 2003 Filed under: General Leave a comment »
Snotty no more
Thank the lord for that – finally after two weeks of snottyness, the cold appears to have admitted defeat and naffed off back into the ether. Also, the lab-beagle cough from yesterday is an abeyance, so I generally feel much better.
I’d also like to point out that Strepsils are absolutely fuck-all use for anything except practice hockey-pucks for midgets.
Posted: Mon 13 October, 2003 Filed under: General Leave a comment »
Travelling home tonight, the seat in front of me was occupied by two people who I can only assume had been kicked out of the KKK for being too right-wing. The outright bigotry and bile spilling from the seat in front was vile – anyone walking past was fair game, anyone getting on the bus was equally fair game.
The bus stopped beside an inter-racial couple, doing absolutely nothing to anyone. Simply being together. Yet they attracted a stream of muttered invective – luckily they were outside, and couldfn’t hear it.
What’s the deal with things like that? While there are still bigoted cunts like that about, really, what hope is there for an integrated society?
Posted: Mon 13 October, 2003 Filed under: General Leave a comment »
Wooooaaaaahhhhh, Geek Out!
For those of you not entirely braindead about news of Matrix:Revolutions yet – it will be premiered on IMAX screens on Nov 5th in London and Bradford (at the bottom of the page), as well as normal screens worldwide.
Posted: Sun 12 October, 2003 Filed under: General Leave a comment »
Well, the results are in over at MBIAT, and yours truly came in second. Ah well – I’m glad Peter won – he deserves it far more than I. In fact, out of the two, I voted for Naked Blog. How’s that for sporting? *Grin*
Posted: Sun 12 October, 2003 Filed under: General Leave a comment »
Ah, normal service will be restored today. A weekend of travelling the arse-end of nowhere© (AKA North Wales) where GSM’s barely been heard of, let alone GPRS, or broadband. Couple that with plenty of introspection time following on from that piece in TD, and it all led to a desire for down-time.
During the next week there’s also seeing Neal Stephenson doing a reading/signing from Quicksilver, and the Mancunian Blog-meet (Still at the Fab Cafe, to my knowledge) on Thursday.
The days are just packed.
Posted: Fri 10 October, 2003 Filed under: General Leave a comment »
Legally Sane
I’d managed to miss this story ’til it was pointed out over on Greenfairy, but those wonderful caring people at the US Supreme court have decided that it’s OK to force convicted murderers with severe mental health problems to take medication that makes them legally sane, and thus executable.
To me, that’s just fucking disgraceful. As if it wasn’t cruel and unusual punishment to incarcerate someone in conditions where they slowly go insane (the case in point, Charles Singleton, has deteriorated to such a state that he believes his victim is still alive, that authorities had placed a device in his ear, and that the jail cell was under the control of demons) it’s now legal to drug them back into “sanity” just to kill ’em.
I’ve never been a particular advocate of capital punishment, and even less of the death penalty, but America seems happy to take these things to ever increasing lengths, and to hell with costs and damage to the Bill of Rights.