Posted: Tue 22 July, 2003 Filed under: General Leave a comment »
All I can say is that I wholeheartedly apologise to Hoegaarden. It’s not the beer that’s evil – it’s the Raspberry Stoli that represents the root of all evil in the world. And bloody good it is too. Personally, I blame the ice that went in it, not the vodka itself. And that’s that.
Posted: Tue 22 July, 2003 Filed under: General Leave a comment »
Headline of the day
I suspect that someone was playing “let’s see what we can get past the sub-editors” when they came up with the headline to this story.
Posted: Tue 22 July, 2003 Filed under: General Leave a comment »
…leave it to the professionals
And while we’re on the subject of fraud etc. (OK, it was perjury he got jailed for – but close enough), I’m quite amazed that the Tories have said there’s no place for Jeffrey Archer in their party any more. OK, he’s been convicted and served a jail sentence for telling lies to a court. To my mind that makes him an ideal candidate for the Tories again.
Except that he got caught, whereas most politicians seem to do exactly the same and prefer to say “it wasn’t me, it was him“. UK Politics and the art of “Another boy did it and ran away. Honest sir.“
Posted: Tue 22 July, 2003 Filed under: General Leave a comment »
If you’re going to do something well…
Reading The Register today, it struck me as quite amusing that a company called Vogon tried to defraud the Serious Fraud Office by overcharging them.
I’m not sure which would have caused more hassle – overcharging them and being taken to court, or overcharging them and getting away with it…
Posted: Tue 22 July, 2003 Filed under: General Leave a comment »
Tiger teasing
I’ve decided, I’m bored with the complete lack of action when it comes to Wileys etc. No word from any legal beagles or anything.
So today I’m going to be drafting up another email to send to Kirky. Nothing offensive – more of an “I’m still here, and still waiting for a response”. When it’s written/sent, it’ll also be posted here – just for clarity and continuity purposes, of course.
Posted: Mon 21 July, 2003 Filed under: General Leave a comment »
Legal stuff
I’ve no idea (yet) if it’s related to the entire Wiley’s thing or not, but d4d™ has had several visits today from Clifford Chance, a UK legal firm that likes to say it’s “A global law firm”. I’m wondering if I’ll find out more when I get home, possibly an email from them or Wileys.
As Peter says today, it’s all gone a bit quiet with regard to the For Dummies™ thing, although most of that is due to me waiting for the other shoe to drop. Maybe it’s finally done so…
Posted: Mon 21 July, 2003 Filed under: General Leave a comment »
Dentists – the finale
Yes, after six months of intermittent pissing and moaning, I’ve finally had my last piece of work with the dentists. It feels odd, having teeth where there’ve been gaps – my lip and tongue keep having odd panic attacks of “Oh, bloody hell, something’s changed! What’s going on? Help! Flippin’ ‘eck!” and having a quick investigate, but all’s well, it’s just not what they’re used to.
But yes, I’m pleased with the work. It’s been a long fight to get here, but in the end it’s been worth it. The next piece of the saga is to make an appointment with the hygienist, and work from there.