Posted: Thu 24 July, 2003 Filed under: General Leave a comment »
You’re from who?
I don’t know what it is with job agencies, particularly IT ones, but they really do seem to be populated with idiot smegheads. I’ve had a call today, no number showing up on the CLI, that went as follows :
Me : “Hello?“
Muppet : “ohhithisisjulianfrombrs”
Me : “You’re who from what?“
Muppet : “This is Julian from BRS”
Me : “OK, and who are BRS?“
Muppet : “Oh, I thought you’d know. We’re an IT agency, you spoke to us about a year ago, and applied for two contracts.”
Me : (thinks) “Oh, and I’d know every agency I’m listed with, and would remember the snerks from a year ago”
Me : (says) “Ah, I’m in a contract now until December“
Muppet : “OK, bye then.”
Charming. In fact, if it were to come down to it, I now probably wouldn’t speak to BRS again, purely because of Julian’s attitude.
Posted: Thu 24 July, 2003 Filed under: General Leave a comment »
Terms of Endearment
This week’s favoured term of semi-abuse can now officially be revealed as “Oy, Genius!” Of course, a lot depends on context, vocal tone, and sarcasm, but it seems to attract the required amount of genius, particularly when used in phrases such as “Oy, Genius! Go to the other till.” So far it hasn’t resulted in a smack in the mouth either – which is always a bonus. *Grin*
Posted: Thu 24 July, 2003 Filed under: General Leave a comment »
Told you so
If you’re feeling at all fragile today, don’t read this story. Basically, the people who maintain train-tracks are suddenly realising (Gawd bless ’em, it appears to have only just occurred to them) that certain of the UK’s train rolling stock have toilets that just dump their contents on the tracks when flushed. Hence the warning signs about “don’t flush while waiting at a station” – although apparently people still do. (I assume the people who do this are the same fucktards who always push a door marked “Pull”, and who always got caught by the auto-closing doors on trains) I wonder when the excuse will arise that “the train is late because of the wrong kind of shit on the track“.
In the meantime, it appears that Network Rail are hopeless inefficient (Nice work, Holmes – how did you ever figure that out?) and need to save £2Bn a year. Perhaps they should collect the waste on the track and flog it off as “organic manure”.
Still, it goes to prove that people are right when they say the train lines in this country are totally shite.
Posted: Wed 23 July, 2003 Filed under: General Leave a comment »
Style sheets and the like
Yes, I know there’s a couple of keff-ups with things like the style-sheet and so on. That’s because I’m a twat, and didn’t keep everything in just one place. So it’ll be fixed once I go in to work tomorrow, but for now, well, live with it.
UPDATED : There – all sorted again. Must remember to sort out everything so it’s all stored in one place in the future. And then back it up. I’ll do that tonight.
Posted: Wed 23 July, 2003 Filed under: General Leave a comment »
OK, so the sons of Saddam Hussein are dead. I wonder if el Presidente’s apparent joy that they’re dead is more a case of being relieved to have something to take attention away from David Kelly’s death.
However, I do think that using 10 anti-tank missiles to do the deed is possibly slightly more than “reasonable force”.
Posted: Wed 23 July, 2003 Filed under: General Leave a comment »
Dangling chuffnuts
Hmmm, looks like the original d4d™ is back online – I now have no farking clue what’s going on. Hopefully easyspace will have sent a mail to explain, and I’ll have that when I get home. However, I’m going to continue with the move, and just use the old d4d™ to push people here calmly, rather than in a mad rush with the site-closure.
Posted: Wed 23 July, 2003 Filed under: General Leave a comment »
d4d™ is dead – long dive d4d™
Well, it looks like Wiley has decided to get Easyspace to pull the original d4d™ (as in destruction “for dummies”(™)) offline – no notice from either company to me, the domain holder, so I think there’ll be some shitty letters flying around tonight/tomorrow.
But this is the new home anyway – nice and un-pullable. I’ll change the pointy man on the right again at some point in the next couple of days, and then let ’em say anything at all.