Sorting Out – Part 2

Ah well, the next step was a burglar alarm. So I’ve got one. All the entry points are protected. It’s a pretty good bit of kit, seems to work well. Still waiting for a call from the claims wonk, so that’ll happen during this next week. As for everything else, we’ll see. I’m still going to be looking for a new place to live – and yes, I can move the alarm system too. I just wish it didn’t feel like running away.

Sorting out

I’ve had the kitchen window replaced – the landlords have said they won’t pay for it, because they’re cunts. Luckily, the insurance people seem to have come up trumps and have said they’ll pay for it. As it is, I found a local company that replaced it – and did a proper job rather than the shonky effort of the cowboys my landlords employed last time – for the princely sum of £50. Not bad at all.

Do I? Don’t I?

Following on from all the shite with Wiley, I got a beautifully timed reminder to day that the original d4d domain comes up for renewal in September.

Now, do I give it up, or do I renew it for another two years, just to upset Wiley’s even more? I wonder… *Grin*


I’ve just had another visit from the police – looks like they’ve nicked the little bastard for something else, and will be interviewing him about the break-ins as well, in addition to other stuff, and also searching his house. They’ll let me know if they find anything, although he’s apparently likely to have got rid of it already, and to let me know what happens.

Shocking revelations

I don’t quite know whether people in New Zealand are different to the rest of the world, but is the “revelation” that Young men download the most porn really all that surprising?

Burglary – Update

I’m sorry if this seems horrendously self-referential for once, but well, it’s personal publishing, and this has happened. So live with it. If it’s boring, just go to one of the other blogs on the right. (Scaryduck is particularly good today, and delivered a couple of much needed laughs. “Bang” indeed…)

SOCO’s been, turns out that this time the little bastards look to have worn gloves. Landlords are still being fuckers, so it looks like a move is on the cards. I didn’t really want to do that, but the joys of being inveigled in the world of little-fucker-dom seem to have put the mockers on it. I’ll still rent for the time being – but not from these landlords. Keff that.

I wish I could even explain how I feel – “numb” is the word that springs to mind, but “flat” is possibly more descriptive. I’ve never caused hassle, never been snotty or anything to the neighbours, never drawn attention. Now I seem to be the target for some little cunt who’s decided “He’s got it, I want it.” And it’s making me move – I feel let-down, like I’m giving in, and I think the simple fact of it is that it’s so faceless. He doesn’t know me – maybe by sight, I don’t know – I don’t know him. I could walk past the little shit tomorrow, and I wouldn’t even know it. I can’t even be angry – there’s no visible target for it, and I’ve never gone for the aimless hatred school of thought.

More than anything else, I’m tired though. I’m tired of being a target – always someone to aim at, to be seen as different. More reasons than I can shake a stick at, but for the moment it seems to be that I’m a “Have”, not a “Have Not”. As reasons go, it’s no better and no worse than many of the other bigotrys and biases, but at the end of the day they’re all so pointless.

Anyway, I’m going to see what happens over the weekend, and work on things from there.

Burglary – Part Two

Well, much as I hate to say “told you so”, I did. Came home from work today to find that I’d been broken into again. I’m sure it’s the same little cunt that did it – the footprints on the worktop were exactly the same as last time, and they came through the same window.

This time they had a bit more time, obviously – every drawer has been opened, every cupboard gone through. They didn’t get away with much – an old laptop and about 50 DVDs – there’s probably other things too, but I haven’t found out what yet.

The house is a mess – but could be worse. It’s just been searched, they didn’t take a shit on the carpet or anything. The big stuff is still safe – because I always keep all the house keys with me, they could only take out stuff that fit through the window. PC and stereo were unplugged, but obviously wouldn’t fit. The kitchen’s a fucking mess, but again, it could’ve been so much worse. Everything’s been looked through, and yet the dozy little bastards have missed stuff that (to my amateur ideas) would be better to nick – the vodkas and booze weren’t touched, the (easily floggable) concert tickets didn’t even move. Even the DECT (digital cordless) phones stayed. I wish I knew why.