It’s been a while

Yes, it’s been quite a while since the last real rant was published. But now there’s a new one ready for the reading. Not that today has been frustrating at all. Honest.

And there was me wondering if I’d finally started to mellow out. There’s life in the cantankerous old goat yet…


In a wonderful cockup, the Danish Army sent out snowploughs, tractors and grit for icy roads. Hardly newsworthy, except the consignment went out to Danish troops in Iraq. Perhaps the grit can be “discovered” as a Weapon of Mass De-icing.

The web goes Yellow

(Please note the new title bar style – I love CSS for some things. *Grin*) Considering the number of comments that have been made in the past about the yellow on this site, I’m both honoured and amused by the number of people turning their own sites various shades of yellow in support of the Wiley Farce™ (as it’s now affectionately known trademarked) – primarily organised by Peter.

So far, we’ve got Mike, Ian shit, sorry, Iain, Blue Witch, Jann, Steve, Gert, Gordon, London (Spelcnut), and The World (Noodle) – all For Dummies. Additionally, Scaryduck is now “Swearing for Dummies” with the sublime phrase “ the fucking wankers can go piss up a tree“, and Karen at Rise has also joined the “Free d4d™” campaign. Unfortunately, there’s still no sign of a response from the litigious twunts (©Scaryduck™) Wileys – I may have to stir the pot a bit more, if I’m not careful. *Grin*

Now, I wonder if I can trademark “Yellow” before they get to it? (And no, that doesn’t mean I’d sue the supporters – I just like the idea of telling Wileys to Cease and Desist from using Yellow on their covers…

Innocent and profitable

Sometimes, it’s really good to read a success story, particularly one were everyone initially said “It’ll never work”. Innocent drinks is one of those stories – they make a brand of “smoothie” (basically a blend of fruits, pureed) which (having had several, and being a fan) I know are generally delicious.

From the story, they also have a “corporate” culture that is quite different to most places. But more to the point, they’re making money and the people who work for them are happy – sounds like a good deal to me.


I’m back at work (they’ve insisted on it, while my boss is off sick – because there’s no-one else with the passwords to send stuff up to the council’s site, and hey, World War 3 might break out or something) and feeling abysmal. It wasn’t even the final visit – the crowns for two teeth had been fucked up by the lab, and looked shit, plus there’s some other stuff to do. So I’m back on the 21st.

However, 3 molar root canals, one extraction that was in the right place for wisdom tooth but probably wasn’t, 5 shots of anaesthetic (and yes, it still fucking hurt for the extraction), and plenty of other vile stuff later, I feel utterly chronic. I need an email from Kirky to brighten my day when I get home.

Normal service

But until I hear something from Wileys, I’m going to return to business as usual. One can only batter on about civil rights and fascist litigious Americans for so long before it gets wearing – not just for anyone still reading, but for me too.

Today’s service will be intermittent. I’m off to the dentist’s for my (hopefully) final major visit for a while. 90 minutes. Anaesthetic. One final extraction that they’ve put off because it’ll be an absolute bastard. Plenty of other stuff too. I’m really not looking forward to it. Ah well.

Another update

Well, the events of yesterday were interesting. Kirky didn’t respond (I’m heartbroken) so I’m left in limbo. However, perhaps I should pen an email of thanks, as according to the logfiles, yesterday was one of d4d™’s busiest days ever. Looking at my little Nedstat counter (which only counts on the random page) shoot up like a lottery-winning smackhead was certainly an interesting experience, and it looks like various people then went off on a stroll through the site.

I sent off the cheque for the new domain name this morning too – I’m sticking with the original idea, and when it’s all sorted it’ll be at link, because the domain doesn't exist yet. Go on, Wiley – sue that. Depending on their response (and whether they even bother to make one) d4d will stay here for a while – however, I’ll also be doing work on d4d v2 as soon as I can. Ooooh, nice new hosting company, PHP, mySQL, the whole lot. For less than I was paying with Easyspace for “space and that’s it”. Now – do I consider moving the entire thing to Moveable Type too? We’ll see.