Google, the spelling checker

Don’t you just love finding out that you’ve spelled something wrong, and only discovering it when Google finds your site under the mis-spelling – and I come first. That’s even worse.

What the hell?

Ok, can someone explain this one to me, please. While I was in Tesco the other day, I was looking for pasta. Nothing weird about that at all.

What I saw though was – get this – “quick cook pasta”. Um – what the fuck? Pasta’s cooked in less than 10 minutes anyway. So what’s the deal/necessity for quick-cook stuff?

Ah, Net Nanny strikes again

Via Slashdot, a story of the library that banned it’s own site thanks to censorware.

pour on water, pour on water

I’ve just laughed completely out loud at Stuart‘s description of an Army fire engine at the scene of a fire. Superb. He’s obviously on a roll, as the rest of the blog’s entries for today are equally worthy of note/reading today.

Fangs for the memory

“Thanks” to H for reminding me of this story. If ever there were a movie made of this kind of thing, it would be billed as Marathon Man meets The Exorcist


1) All gigs at the MEN Arena are shite Wrong – this one wasn’t
2) David Gray won’t handle a venue that size Wrong – he was fecking top
3) I’m not sure I’ll enjoy it Totally wrong on that one too…
4) I won’t need a camera – the security people search everyone on the way in Bollocks – not even a guard
And now, on with the show…

David Gray – MEN Arena
Shake your head, Shake your motherf**king Head

Wow. Yes, I’d thought all of the things above – that a quiet acoustic player like Gray wouldn’t be able to carry off a huge venue like the MEN, that every gig I’ve been to at the MEN has sucked the farts out of dead cats. I was WRONG.

The concert was absolutely superb. The sound was spot on – totally space filling, no sign of weakness at all. I think he must have played his entire works, having been on from 8.30 ’til 11pm. The lighting was spot on too – in fact, it was hard to find fault with any of it.

One real highpoint was the drummer – a total lunatic, and completely impressive. It’s also nice to see a drummer at the side of the stage, showing off his skills, rather than hiding back center of stage – and he was worth having in full view.

In fact, there’s only one point that always rears it’s ugly head at these gigs – what the fuck is the point of paying £25 each for tickets to a concert, and then talking all the way through the bastard? It completely befuddles me – is it just a Mancunian thing, or does it happen everywhere?

Anyway – the gig was utterly superb, and if I’m not careful, I may even start liking the MEN Arena. Then again, give it another couple of gigs before I start being swayed like that…

Has left the building

Off to see David Gray. have fun everyone. Be back later, with a review, and possibly some photos.