Umm.. Eh? What?

  <Quote>From 13 December, you can buy the Annual Megarider, valid until 30 June 2003 for only £85.</quote>

Yes, that’s a direct quote from the website for Stagecoach Buses Manchester. Click on the link if you don’t believe it – it goes straight there.

So, from December I can buy an Annual Ticket that’s valid for – erm? that can’t be right, surely? – 6 months?

Google’s editing

I’d just like to point out that the mention of d4d on this set of search results is extremely well edited, and makes it look far worse than it really should have been.

Ah well…

Draq Queen, OBE

Good to see Danny la Rue being recognised for services to drag outfitters everywhere by the original Queen.

Quite how the palace will deal with two outrageous old queens in one room, well, only time will tell…

Naked Blog

Ooops – knew I’d forgotten to link to something yesterday. The joys of sleep deprivation, in all it’s glory.

Anyway, Peter over at Naked Blog is now doing a list of the 100 Greatest Gay Britons. They don’t have to be gay, actually- so long as it’s had a positive effect on gay life. So go and add in your own nominations…

It’s grim….

Quite amusing to see this story on the BBC. The North West Development Agency have taken the ages old cliche of “It’s Grim Up North“, and turned it on it’s head to produce “It’s Grim Down South“. Seems fair to me. But oh no,no,no, that’s simply not on, say development agencies for (unsurprisingly) London and the South East.

As most people have probably figured by now, I’m actually a Southerner by birth (around Oxford, for my sins), but moved to Manchester nearly four years ago. And quite honestly, you wouldn’t be likely to find me moving back down. Oddly, my father is from up this way, but did move down, although that was 35 or so years ago.

Since being here, I’ve had so many friends come up to see me, and all have said “Oh, it’s really good here – I’d thought it was like that Grim up North thing” (I’m paraphrasing, but not by much – I’ve heard the cliche too many times to not notice the bugger), so that cliche STILL has an effect, even now.

So, I think it’s quite fair to have the cliche turned over – I’d rather see it taken into a dark alley and given a swift kicking, but that’s hardly likely to happen.

Fucking humourless Southern bastards. I bet they really hated the idea of Manchester becoming the capital city. (Which I really liked – the story put the points across well)

Walk in Wardrobe

One site I read pretty much every day is Mike’s Troubled Diva blog. Recently he’s been going through the shirts he owns, a different one each day until we get to the grand finale. We’re now on day 49 – this man has too many shirts, I’m sure of it.

But it has made very entertaining reading, particularly with the number of people taking bets on when it’ll end (I dropped out at the start of the month – total under-estimation of Mike’s ample shirt-rack) and gradually being dropped.

We’ve now been through all the main shirts, and have reached “the ironing pile” from tomorrow. I can’t wait to see the photos…

Day From Hell

A few days ago I blethered on about having had a shit day. I wasn’t going to put it on the blog – it would have just been a rant anyway, so of course instead the full story has become a new rant