Three days away. 600 spam emails. 3 minutes to delete them all. Life is good.

Oh, and the weekend was OK too – weird to see people getting older and all that stuff, but it all went OK. I’ll write more about it later, I think.

Not in the mood right now – I’ve just spent fourish hours in the joyous company of Virgin Trains. But I will write more later. Honest.

Book Worm Meter for Lyle
Shut In 71%
. .
29% Out Of The House
Intellectual 77%
. .
23% Moron
High Attention Span 95%
. .
5% Low Attention Span
Bookitude 96%
. .
4% Book Burner
Book Worm 84.75%
. .
15.25% Bug Stomper
Take your bookworm readings.

Project for next week : Figure out what the fiddly fuck Blogger is doing with the archives. I think it may just need a major kicking.

But that’s for next week. In the meantime, I’m off to have fun. Or at least see the family. Byyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Oh, and one final story of silliness to be going on with. I was going to add it into the previous bit, but couldn’t be arsed.

Well, it looks like the Gods of Insomnia have obviously deemed my sacrifice of sleeping hours sufficient, because last night was the best night’s sleep I’ve had in ages. Now I just need to work out what I did different that meant I slept like that.

Oh, and a hearty slap to the neighbours somewhere on my street who decided to have a full-on domestic ending with breaking glass, screams, and four carloads of fucked-off police at 3am. I heard it, woke up (or maybe that’s the other way around? *shrug*), thought various rude words, closed the window, and went back to sleep. Nothing short of amazing.

Other than that, it’s 6.30ish, so I’m away to Oxford, whistling a happy tune and lugging a bag that feels like I’ve packed it for about a month of away-ness. Have a good Bank Holiday weekend, hopefully not one that’s too wet, and I’ll be back in a couple of days. Unless something fun happens, or I decide to bung something else on here from Chez Parents. Have fun.

Checklist for the weekend:

  • Train tickets  Check
  • Clothes  Yup
  • Laptop  Definitely
  • Digital Camera  it’s there
  • Power leads for laptop and camera, plus leads to connect the two  Yes, Mum
  • Mobile  In Pocket (as always)
  • Charger for Mobile, plus mental note to buy one with decent battery life.  Yeah yeah yeah
  • Books  Yawn. Of course you’ve got ’em
  • Washbag  Does it ever leave that bag?
  • Sort out playlists on Lappy’s version of RealOne  Nope, haven’t done that, but I’ll do that in the first ten mins of the train journey. And yes, I do call the laptop Lappy. Don’t ask, OK?

There’s something I’ve forgotten, I just fucking know it. I’ll remember it when I’m somewhere around Birmingham Fucking New Street (which it turns out is it’s official name)

Nice to know that – yet again – Microsoft are shit.

I know I’m still using 2000, but the day is coming (and probably before the end of 2002) when this PC becomes a friend of Linux.